
Pathology Department

We care superspeciality Pathology department plays a pivotal role in raising the bar of diagnostic accuracy, technological equipment, customer experience and research-driven empathetic service in the hospital field.
Our spectrum of services offer around 500 clinical laboratory tests and 100 profiles. Various test combinations, specific to a disease or disorder and wellness profiles used for health and fitness screening form a part of the laboratory services.

We have invested in a variety of specialized tests and also adopted several advanced tests and technologies introduced in the global market.

We have always been at the forefront in bringing new tests and technologies to the people.

Putting our patients first: Delivering reliable pathology reports

Putting our patients first: Delivering reliable pathology reports
we started out with a single minded focus on putting our patients’ first and a relentless pursuit in delivering accurate results and quality reports.

Our promise to the patient is very simple; reliable pathology reports and for that we walk the extra mile for recheck and reflex at no additional cost to our patients.

Working in tandem with doctors because pathology matters

More than 70% of medical decisions today are based on diagnostic reports. Our team is constantly in touch with clinicians, work in tandem and help them diagnose and make treatment decisions for their patients. Be it a simple blood sugar test or a complicated molecular test, we ensure in all the capabilities to deliver the absolute best.

Our Quality Pathology Test

A way of functioning at we care superspeciality pathology department
We have a dedicated quality assurance team that works on calibrations at our laboratory.

Our highly experienced leadership team leads day to day business and operations. Our strong technical team is led by Dr viplav prashant. Our technicians are best in class, highly skilled and trained to collect samples in a single prick and are efficient in drawing samples from infants, small children and the elderly. We will make continuous efforts to progress on diversity and inclusion as we move forward.